Saturday, September 29, 2007


We're having a lull in chuppah knitting at the moment although maybe not such a lull at Kimberly's house. Her's is the last section to be finished and, unfortunately, Patience and I got about a two week head start on her.
Doria's been over here twice more working on ends. What a trooper!
Meanwhile, I've been knitting a few things that aren't actually a chuppah. I know. Weird, huh?
Right now, I'm working on this:

It is most of the body of a cardigan for me and has a leaf theme. It's a bit of a homage to how much I've been enjoying the chuppah's leaf pattern. I have this and parts of about three other sweaters that I need to finish for myself. All of my sweaters are starting to look a little bit tatty and disreputable. Can't have the yarn shop lady wearing ratty sweaters all winter. One of the things the chuppah project showed me is that if I really knuckle down and knit, I can get a whoooole lot done in a fairly short amount of time. So time to knuckle down!

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