Saturday, September 25, 2010

There Hasn't Been Much Going On

I just looked at the date of my last post and it's been over a month!  I think that's a reflection of two things.  One is that my knitting hasn't been that interesting, just a progression of stockinette stitch socks.  The other is that the shop is starting to get busier so I have less free time.
I'm still in sock land.  I'm getting ready to mail my cousin's wife a tape measure in hopes that she will finally get back to me with some measurements so I can start his vest.  Meanwhile, I've done my Christmas knitting list.  It's not as extensive as last year's but I still need to hit it hard.  The first things I need to complete are the things for my friends Andrzej and Kathy.  They live in Hong Kong and it's going to take about a month for their presents to get there.  I'm making Andrzej a pair of grey socks (sad face).  Andrzej used to be the guy I could count on to wear any kooky, colorful pair of socks I made him.  Now that he's in Hong Kong, he's teaching at a temple where the guilding teacher wants everyone to dress in monastic clothing.  He's had to put away all his fun socks in favor of white and grey.  So, I'm knitting him a pair he can actually wear.  I had some left over grey alpaca from a scarf I knit for a monk friend of mine last year so I'm going to knit Kathy a lace scarf with that.  That, at least, should be fun and she'll be able to wear it at the temple.  I think I'm going to use the Fiber Trends Estonian Flowers pattern.
In addition to those gifts, I've got another vest, eight pairs of socks, several hats, a neckwarmer, a baby sweater and another sweater for my sister (she promised to pick an actual color this time).  It's a big list but I'm pretty sure I can get it all done, if not by Christmas, at least by mid-January.


Patience said...

I'd say non-cooperative recipients don't get presents. If they haven't responded, give them the tape measure for Christmas, because clearly they need one.

Lucy said...

Actually, she'd be doing me a favor. I took his measurements when I was up there last summer and then lost them. She's also got a four-year-old and a six-month-old at home. She's doesn't owe me anything.

Hil said...

Hi, I'm in Seoul for a short visit and wondered if you could tell me where to find the yarn shops? Thanks Hilary

Lucy said...

Try Dong Dae Mun market. I found a whole bunch of yarn stalls and even a knitting group on the lowest level.