My big plans for New Year's Eve? I'm casting on the Eris sweater for my sister Margaret. She was so funny when I was measuring her for it. She was all worried that it didn't look long enough in the picture. I was like "Sweetie, then I'll just keep knitting until it's long enough." She was totally missing the concept of Custom Made. She was the same way with the sleeves. I had to explain the whole top down concept where if it isn't long enough, I undo the bind off row and fix it. She is definitely very particular so I'm going to have her try it on as I go. This is the great thing about a top down, knit all at once sweater. I want to make sure it is something that she gets a lot of use out of. Once I'm done with hers, I'm going to make one for myself!
Monday, December 31, 2007
No More Chilly Dog
My big plans for New Year's Eve? I'm casting on the Eris sweater for my sister Margaret. She was so funny when I was measuring her for it. She was all worried that it didn't look long enough in the picture. I was like "Sweetie, then I'll just keep knitting until it's long enough." She was totally missing the concept of Custom Made. She was the same way with the sleeves. I had to explain the whole top down concept where if it isn't long enough, I undo the bind off row and fix it. She is definitely very particular so I'm going to have her try it on as I go. This is the great thing about a top down, knit all at once sweater. I want to make sure it is something that she gets a lot of use out of. Once I'm done with hers, I'm going to make one for myself!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
A Conversation
Little Nephew: Auntie Lucy, do you love me?
Me: Yes, Sweetie, I do.
LN: Do you love me more than knitting?
Me: Well, you know I love knitting an awful lot.
LN: Do you love me more?
Me: Yes, I love you more than knitting.
LN: But you love knitting a lot.
Me: Yes, but I love you more.
Just trying to figure out where he fits in, I guess. Pretty perceptive for a six year old, though.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas FO Round-up
(Warning: If you don’t appreciate runny nose talk, skip ahead now. I, somehow, feel compelled to blog about it. Sorry. I’m twelve.)
I was mentioning this phenomenon in knitting group and Annie described it perfectly. She said that it’s like evil aliens have opened a portal to the Mucous Dimension inside your head. There’s just no other way to explain how otherwise normal and fairly mild-mannered sinuses could possibly be producing that much snot! I, literally, could not be out of reach of a tissue for the entire day. I came to understand what the Yarn Harlot meant when she said she felt she must blow her nose or end her life.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Good Grief!
Christmas knitting is on track though I'm slowing down and if you haven't been by for a truffle, your time is running out!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Slip Sliding Away
I did make it home alive though I had to give a hand to an elderly gentleman at a spot where the business had salted around their building but had neglected the part of the sidewalk that sloped down to the street. Erg! I'm seriously considering getting crampons for my boots if this keeps up.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Makin' a Break For It
Just last week, I got a panicked call from Laura claiming she’d accidentally shoplifted some Noro from me. She had been sitting very near the Noro shelf during knitting group when a skein leapt off the shelf into her bag. She was quite horrified! And this week, poor Miren came in to tell us that three skeins of yarn had fled from her bag somewhere on a bus, never to be seen again. It wasn’t the cheap stuff either but nice yarn she’d bought to make Christmas presents. So be careful everyone. There are skeins of yarn out there just waiting for their chance. Don’t let them get away!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Chugging Along
And Big Niece's sweater frontand back.
They still need to be blocked but I'm just not in a blocking mood today. Maybe next week.
Now I'm working on Christmas stockings. A couple of years ago, I made Big Niece, then Only Niece, a stocking. I had planned to make stockings for my sister and brother-in-law but never got around to it. You know how that goes. Well, this year, I'm making the rest of the family stockings. Unfortunately, this one seems to be giving me some attitude.
Notice how the bow for the top of the bell is not centered?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Little Finished Object Dance, a Little Neh!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ravelry's Kinda Fun!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
OMG! Christmas is Coming!
For whatever reason, I'm making lists, digging the stash, pulling yarn off the shelf and starting to knit like crazy. I'll have some pictures soon but right now I must knit!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Got My Bulbs In!
Friday, November 09, 2007
What Have I Been Up To?
I worked on it for about an hour today and plan to do the same tomorrow. I have some fun ideas for it though I know it will be a long term project. Right now, I'm just going to try to dig it through, add enough peat moss and lime to take the curse off it and get my bulbs in. I'll worry about more planting come spring.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Purple Sweater Done
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Isn't it hillarious? I carved the little pumpkin.
Here it is lighted up:
Now, I'm going to be in the shop until 9pm tomorrow handing out candy so bring the children over and get some! I love me some trick or treaters!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Guess Who's Six!
She started unwinding some over twisting in her yarn when the phone rang.